Quotes about Child of God
The first way to balance stress in my life is to get an internal balance of who I am. And I know who I am by knowing whose I am. I am a child of God. I was put on earth not by accident, but for a purpose. I am deeply loved by God. I am accepted by him. He has a plan for my life, and because he put me here, I am significant.
- Rick Warren
Prayer is essentially a partnership of the redeemed child of God working hand in hand with God toward the realization of His redemptive purposes on earth.
- James Hayford
Answered prayer is the interchange of love between the Father and His child.
- Andrew Murray
I am a child of God. I was put on earth not by accident, but for a purpose. I am deeply loved by God. I am accepted by him. He has a plan for my life, and because he put me here, I am significant.
- Rick Warren
He calls you beloved, royalty, and his child.
- Rick Warren
As you pray and serve others, your knowledge that you are a child of God and your feelings about Him will grow.
- Henry B. Eyring
Don't just serve God, enjoy God. Enjoy being God's child. Enjoy the little corner of life that He has given you!
- Joyce Meyer
You have to be intentional about receiving the Father's love. Seek God. Be passionate about it. No two people have the same experience of the Father's love, because every child of God is unique.
- James Goll
I am a glorious child of God. I am joyful, serene, positive, and loving.
- Marianne Williamson
It is not the absence of sin but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors.
- AW Pink
God often goes to the gutter to find the recipient for His grace. He lifts him out, washes him and transforms him - making him into a child of God fit for His kingdom. That is God's grace.
- Chuck Smith
Justification and regeneration are simultaneous. The pardoned sinner becomes a child of God in justification.
- William Seymour