Quotes about Command
Then the LORD said to Moses,
- Leviticus 8:1
But the bull with its hide, flesh, and dung he burned outside the camp, as the LORD had commanded him.
- Leviticus 8:17
You must remain at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting day and night for seven days and keep the LORD’s charge so that you will not die, for this is what I have been commanded.”
- Leviticus 8:35
Then the LORD said to Aaron,
- Leviticus 10:8
The LORD spoke again to Moses and Aaron, telling them,
- Leviticus 11:1
For I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves, therefore, and be holy, because I am holy. You must not defile yourselves by any creature that crawls along the ground.
- Leviticus 11:44
For I am the LORD, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt so that I would be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy.
- Leviticus 11:45
Then the LORD said to Moses,
- Leviticus 12:1
Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron,
- Leviticus 13:1
Then the LORD said to Moses,
- Leviticus 14:1
And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron,
- Leviticus 15:1
Then the LORD said to Moses,
- Leviticus 17:1