Quotes about Deception
A man's life is wasted when he lives on, so deceived by the joys of life or by its sorrows, that he never becomes decisively conscious of himself as spirit, as self, that is, he never is aware in the deepest sense that there is a God.
- Soren Kierkegaard
People do say that now to know oneself is a deception and an imperfection, but often they are unwilling to understand that someone who actually knows himself perceives precisely that he is not capable of anything at all
- Soren Kierkegaard
Zealousness to learn from life is seldom found, but all the more frequently a desire, inclination, and reciprocal haste to be deceived by life.
- Soren Kierkegaard
Just as a dog which is compelled to walk on two feet has every instant a tendency to go again on all four, and does so as soon as it sees its chance, waiting only to see its chance, so is Christendom an effort of the human race to go back to walking on all fours, to get rid of Christianity, to do it knavishly under the pretext that this is Christianity, claiming that it is Christianity perfected.
- Soren Kierkegaard
Numbers are the most dangerous of all illusions
- Soren Kierkegaard
The Devil's success is contingent upon people's ignorance.
- Benny Hinn
Still anyone who trusts a serpent deserves its bite. The wise see a creature for what it is, not what it says it may be.
- Alice Hoffman
That's the way love sounds, my mother told me. You think it should feel like honey, but instead it cuts like a knife.
- Alice Hoffman
See a charmer and you're bound to see a snake nearby
- Alice Hoffman
Such things as smiles can be weapons as well.
- Alice Hoffman
It was easy to lie to people who still believed in the truth.
- Alice Hoffman
People really could be one way outside, when inside they were torn to shreds, a fine white powder of grief and regret replacing blood and bones, and no one even noticed.
- Alice Hoffman