Quotes about Deception
Spiritually sick men cannot sweat out their distemper with working. But this is the way of men who deceive their own souls; as we shall see afterward.
- John Owen
Students present themselves...like a succession of CDs whose shimmering surface gives no clue to their contents without the equipment to play them.
- John Updike
With his white collar he forges god's name on every word he speaks
- John Updike
Death is easily fooled. If the churches don't work, a filter will do.
- John Updike
Do not put faith in constant happiness, and fear most when all smiles upon you.
- Ignatius of Loyola
Fear not, too much, an open enemy; He is consistent--always at his post; But watchful be of him who holds the key Of your own heart, and flatters you the most.
- Andrew Jackson
He that is already corrupt is naturally suspicious; and he that becomes suspicious will quickly become corrupt.
- Samuel Johnson
Politicians are not born; they are excreted.
- Cicero
A pretext is never lacking to him who would break with a friend.
- Bernard of Clairvaux
If a man will understand how intimately, yea, how inseparably, self-control and happiness are associated, he has but to look into his own heart, and upon the world around,...Looking upon the lives of men and women, he will perceive how the hasty word, the bitter retort, the act of deception, the blind prejudice and foolish resentment bring wretchedness and even ruin in their train.
- James Allen
It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.
- Samuel Johnson
It is impossible for a man to be cheated by anyone but himself.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson