Quotes about Nature
Only because a bird doesn't swim in the ocean but flies in the air can it enter the ocean from above; only because God is not temporal can he enter into time.
- Peter Kreeft
So nothing can be ours by right, by nature, or by necessity. But one thing is mine by my free choice: the self I give away in love. This is the thing even God cannot do for me. It really is my choice. God can love, but He cannot compel my free love. If it is compelled, it is not free. If it is free, it is not compelled.
- Peter Kreeft
God's solution to the problem of evil is his Son Jesus Christ. The Father's love sent his Son to die for us to defeat the power of evil in human nature: that's the heart of the Christian story.
- Peter Kreeft
When you ask them what's wrong with the world, they never say there is not enough religion. They say there is not enough peace, prosperity, security, comfort, health care, or environmental responsibility. In other words, not enough human control over nature and human nature.
- Peter Kreeft
the species or nature with which we make our choices is fallen, sinful, selfish, and stupid; and we cannot by our own power attain the deepest and final end of our desires, union with God, eternal happiness. Thus
- Peter Kreeft
A fundamental principle of Catholic theology is that grace perfects nature rather than setting it aside; and that means that the Christian life is not a two-layer cake, the supernatural simply added on to the natural. It transforms the natural but by perfecting it, not by demeaning it.
- Peter Kreeft
Grace is not in nature so much as nature is in grace. Saint Thérèse said, on her deathbed, "Everything is grace.
- Peter Kreeft
For everything naturally desires good
- Peter Kreeft
not human nature with perfect preternatural gifts such as it was in unfallen Adam.
- Peter Kreeft
That's why contraception is wrong by nature: it's a limit, a "Wait! Hold! No! Not quite! We won't give each other Everything")
- Peter Kreeft
are more like Dog and Cat and Bird than like Lassie and Fido and Spot. Therefore
- Peter Kreeft
There—fore what is contrary to human nature is contrary to God's will.
- Peter Kreeft