Quotes about Nature
Let me recommend the best medicine in the world a long journey at a mild season through a pleasant country in easy stages.
- James Madison
But what is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature.
- James Madison
What is it that leads such a person to reject the truth of God in the first place? According to Paul, it is a determined opposition to the nature of God Himself, which the apostle describes as human "ungodliness and unrighteousness" (Rom. 1:18).
- James Montgomery Boice
Nature is the realm of the unspeakable. It has no voice of its own, and nothing to say. We experience the unspeakability of nature as its utter indifference to human culture.
- James Carse
Gardeners slaughter no animals. They kill nothing. Fruits, seeds, vegetables, nuts, grains, grasses, roots, flowers, herbs, berries-all are collected when they have ripened, and when their collection is in the interest of the garden's heightened and continued vitality. Harvesting respects a source, leaves it unexploited, suffers it to be as it is.
- James Carse
Since the attempt to control nature is at its heart the attempt to control other persons, we can expect societies to be less patient with those cultures which express some degree of indifference to societal goals and values. It is this repeated parallel that brings us to see that the society that creates natural waste creates human waste.
- James Carse
If the silence of nature is the possibility of language, language is the possibility of history.
- James Carse
We stand before genius in silence. We cannot speak it, we can only speak as it. Yet, though I speak as genius, I cannot speak for genius. I cannot give nature a voice in my script. I can not give others a voice in my script-without denying their own source, their originality. To do so is to cease responding to the other, to cease being responsible. No one and nothing belong in my script.
- James Carse
The paradox in our relation to nature is that the more deeply a culture respects the indifference of nature, the more creatively it will call upon its own spontaneity in response. The more clearly we remind ourselves that we can have no unnatural influence on nature, the more our culture will embody a freedom to embrace surprise and unpredictability.
- James Carse
There were crimson roses on the bench; they looked like splashes of blood.
- Dorothy Sayers
It is impossible for human nature to believe that money is not there.
- Dorothy Sayers
At present we have no clear grasp of the principle that every man should do the work for which he is fitted by nature!
- Dorothy Sayers