Quotes about Blasphemy
I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea…and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
- Frank Herbert
Government and religion united, and breaking a law became sin. A smell of blasphemy arose like smoke around any questioning of governmental edicts. The guilt of rebellion invoked hellfire and self-righteous judgments.
- Frank Herbert
But if it is perfectly clear, from what was lately said, that the blood of Christ is the only satisfaction, expiation, and cleansing for the sins of believers, what remains but to hold that purgatory is mere blasphemy, horrid blasphemy against Christ? I say nothing of the sacrilege by which it is daily defended, the offenses which it begets in religion, and the other innumerable evils which we see teeming forth from that fountain of impiety.
- John Calvin
The blasphemy of the papists is damnable, when they pretend that the light of Scripture merely dazzles the eye. This
- John Calvin
But that the charge of Sabellianism and Montanism should be repeatedly urged against our doctrines, is much the same as if one should lay to our charge the blasphemy of the Anomœans. For if one were carefully to investigate the falsehood of these heresies, he would find that they have great similarity to the error of Eunomius.
- Philip Schaff
One problem with Yahweh, as they used to say in the old Christian Gnostic texts, is that he forgot he was a metaphor. He thought he was a fact. And when he said, "I am God," a voice was heard to say, "You are mistaken, Samael." "Samael" means "blind god": blind to the infinite Light of which he is a local historical manifestation. This is known as the blasphemy of Jehovah—that he thought he was God.
- Joseph Campbell
When God-given, heaven-sent revival does come, it will undo in weeks the damage that blasphemous Modernism has taken years to build.
- Leonard Ravenhill
Blasphemy? No, it is not blashphemy. If God is as vast as that, he is above blasphemy; if he is as little as that, He is beneath it.
- Mark Twain
It is blasphemous rebellion against God thatmarks the Antichrist as the final and logical expression of humanism.
- J. Vernon McGee
If I lose at play, I blaspheme; if my fellow loses, he blasphemes. So, God is always the loser.
- John Donne