Quotes about Saviour
This is my commandment, the Saviour says, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. He sometimes spoke of commandments, but the love, which is the fulfilling of the law, is the all-including one, and therefore is called His commandment--the new commandment. It is to be the great evidence of the reality of the New Covenant, of the power of the new life revealed in Jesus Christ.
- Andrew Murray
The Church does not superstitiously observe days, merely as days, but as memorials of important facts. Christmas might be kept as well upon one day of the year as another; but there should be a stated day for commemorating the birth of our Saviour, because there is danger that what may be done on any day, will be neglected.
- Samuel Johnson
ANTITYPE (A'NTITYPE) n.s.[ which is resembled or shadowed out by the type; that of which the type is the representation.It is a term of theology.See TYPE. When once upon the wing, he soars to an higher pitch, from the type to the antitype, to the days of the Messiah, the ascension of our Saviour, and, at length, to his kingdom and dominion over all the earth.Burnet'sTheory of the Earth.
- Samuel Johnson
the mark of sound doctrine given by our Saviour himself is its tendency to promote the glory not of men, but of God (John
- John Calvin
The afflictions of the wicked exasperate them, enrage them, stone and pave them, obdurate and petrify them, but they do not crucify them. The afflictions of the godly crucify them. And when I am come to that conformity with my Saviour, as to fulfill his sufferings in my fiesh, (as I am, when I glorify him in a Christian constancy and cheerfulness in my afflictions) then I am crucified with him, carried up to his cross...
- John Donne
The afflictions of the wicked exasperate them, enrage them, stone and pave them, obdurate and petrify them, but they do not crucify them. The afflictions of the godly crucify them. And when I am come to that conformity with my Saviour, as to fulfill his sufferings in my flesh, (as I am, when I glorify him in a Christian constancy and cheerfulness in my afflictions) then I am crucified with him, carried up to his cross...
- John Donne
We meet God through entering into a relationship both of dependance on Jesus as our Saviour and Friend and of discipleship to Him as our Lord and Master.
- JI Packer
Nor is it only in prophane history that instances like these are to be found, of persons committing the greatest crimes with a sincere conviction of the rectitude of their conduct. Scripture will afford us parallels; and it was surely to guard us against the very error which we have been now exposing, that our blessed Saviour forewarned his disciples: "The time cometh, that whosoever [Pg 13] killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
- William Wilberforce
Despair is a high point of atheism, it takes away God and Christ both at once. Judas, in betraying our Saviour, was an occasion of his death as man, but in despairing he did what lay in him to take away his life as God.
- Richard Sibbes
for Christ is set out here as a mild Saviour to weak ones; and, for time to come, his powerful care and love is never interrupted, until he bring forth judgment to victory. And thereupon it is that both the means of salvation and grace wrought by means, and glory the perfection of grace, come all under one name of the kingdom of God so oft; because whom by means he brings to grace, he will by grace bring to glory.
- Richard Sibbes
The ambassadors of so gentle a Saviour should not be overbearing, setting up themselves in the hearts of people where Christ alone should sit as in his own temple.
- Richard Sibbes
The Saviour of the world a carpenter! the greatest preacher of the gospel a tent-maker!
- Philip Schaff