Quotes about Creed
It is possible, it seems, to affirm everything the creed says—especially Jesus's "divine" status and his bodily resurrection—but to know nothing of what the gospel writers were trying to say. Something is seriously wrong here.
- NT Wright
The question of "canon and creed," which underlies quite a bit of this book, has become quite urgent and controversial and needs to be addressed from the point of view of those of us who are actually working with the biblical canon itself rather than using the word "canon" as shorthand for the systematic theology they already possess.
- NT Wright
the church has unhesitatingly privileged the creed and let the canon fend for itself—
- NT Wright
When we become advocates of a creed, something dies; we do not believe God, we only believe our belief about Him.
- Oswald Chambers
Faith is something that comes out of the soul. It is not an information that is absorbed but an attitude, existing prior to the formulation of any creed.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
Whatever our creed, we stand with admiration before the sublime character of Jesus.
- E Stanley Jones
I do not believe in the divinity of Christ, and there are many other of the postulates of the orthodox creed to which I cannot subscribe.
- William Howard Taft
Sociologists and anthropologists tell us that religion has three dimensions: creed, code, and cult; or words, works, and worship; or theology, morality, and liturgy.
- Peter Kreeft
Sincerity and truth form the basis of every virtue. Be what thou seemest; live thy creed; Hold up to earth the torch divine; Be what thou prayest to be made; Let the great Master's steps be thine.
- Horatius Bonar
A man may be free from all scandal in either creed or conduct but may be a most grievous obstruction in the way of all spiritual good to his people. He may be a dry and empty cistern in spite of his orthodoxy. He may be freezing or blasting life at the very time he is speaking of the way of life. He may be repelling men from the cross even when he is proclaiming it in words. He may be standing between his flock and the blessing even when he is outwardly lifting up his hand to bless them.
- Horatius Bonar
Admittance into the true church of Christ is based on regeneration, not merely on an affirmation of a creed or doctrine.
- John Bunyan
First, whenever a man talks loudly against religion, always suspect that it is not his reason, but his passions, which have got the better of his creed. A bad life and a good belief are disagreeable and troublesome neighbors, and where they separate, depend upon it, 'Tis for no other cause but quietness sake.
- Laurence Sterne