Quotes about Calling
Because You have called me here not to wear a label by which I can recognize myself and place myself in some kind of a category. You do not want me to be thinking about what I am, but about what You are. Or rather, You do not even want me to be thinking about anything much: for You would raise me above the level of thought. And if I am always trying to figure out what I am and where I am and why I am, how will that work be done?
- Thomas Merton
For our duties and our needs, in all the fundamental things for which we were created, come down in practice to the same thing.
- Thomas Merton
Difference between a vocation and a category. Those who fulfill their vocation to sanctity--or who are fulfilling it--are by that very fact unaccountable. They do not fit into categories. If you use a category in speaking of them you have to qualify statement at once, as if they also belonged to some completely different category. In actual fact, they are in no category, they are particular themselves...
- Thomas Merton
If we are called by God to holiness of life, and if holiness is beyond our natural power to achieve (which it certainly is) then it follows that God himself must give us the light, the strength, and the courage to fulfill the task he requires of us. He will certainly give us the grace we need.
- Thomas Merton
IT is not we who choose to awaken ourselves, but God Who chooses to awaken us.
- Thomas Merton
No one can find God without having first been found by Him. A monk is a man who seeks God because he has been found by God.
- Thomas Merton
Actually I feel more sure than I ever have in my life that I am obeying the Lord and am on the way He wills for me, though at the same time I am struck and appalled (more than ever!) by the shoddiness of my response.
- Thomas Merton
Although they are good people and have been called to ministry, most senior pastors do not have an understanding of God's vision for the ministries they are trying to lead—and, consequently, most churches have little impact in their community or in the lives of their congregants.
- George Barna
This is the true joy in life -- being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one...
- George Bernard Shaw
I must admit that I didn't choose journalism, I was caught off guard; the profession simply sank its claws into me. It was love at first sight, a sudden passion that has determined a large part of my life.
- Isabel Allende
Writing is a calling, not a choice.
- Isabel Allende
God hasn't called me to be successful. He's called me to be faithful.
- Mother Teresa