Quotes about Calling
We know we are called to act like quality men with urgency that is governed by clarity in the strength of the Lord. What remains is this matter of love.
- James MacDonald
God will call; they won't answer. Stubbornness of the heart is a terminal sickness. There is no solution for that condition apart from repentance and God's work of grace to break the heart.
- James MacDonald
The call of God is not restricted by anything you can imagine: race, education, social position, wealth, achievements, good deeds, the lack of them, or anything else. Therefore, there is no reason why you (whoever you are) should not be among the number of those whom God draws to Jesus.
- James Montgomery Boice
Did you want to be a missionary in your youth? I did. I think most kids do some time or another, which is odd, seein how unsatisfactory most of us turn out.
- Dorothy Sayers
At present we have no clear grasp of the principle that every man should do the work for which he is fitted by nature!
- Dorothy Sayers
You simply cannot be a disciple without being a missionary—a sent one. For way too long discipleship has been limited to issues relating to our own personal morality and worked out in the context of the four walls of the church with its privatized religion.
- Alan Hirsch
A church which pitches its tents without constantly looking out for new horizons, which does not continually strike camp, is being untrue to its calling. . . . [We must] play down our longing for certainty, accept what is risky, and live by improvisation and experiment.
- Alan Hirsch
The church (the ecclesia), when true to its real calling, when it is on about what God is on about, is by far and away the most potent force for transformational change the world has ever seen.
- Alan Hirsch
The Lord gave me 'Sojourner,' because I was to travel up an' down the land, showin' the people their sins an' bein' a sign unto them. Afterwards, I told the Lord I wanted another name 'cause everybody else had two names, and the Lord gave me 'Truth,' because I was to declare the truth to people.
- Sojourner Truth
After my primary school education, I started gathering little children by visiting parents to ask if they wanted somebody to care for their kids by teaching them the Bible. I have never attended any seminary school or Bible college in my life.
- TB Joshua
There are just certain times I sense the Lord is wanting me to write, and so I write.
- Francis Chan
This is a serious warning cry: Surrender without reservation to the Lord who has called us. This is required of us so that the face of the earth may be renewed.
- Edith Stein