Quotes about Calling
Forgive me for not being willing to hear your call until now, dear Lord. But I am here and I am ready. Direct me to where I should next go. Reveal to me how I should next serve you. Grant me the wisdom and the strength to trust you in all things. Wherever you lead. Whatever task you set. Help me, Lord.
- Davis Bunn
I'd be dishonoring God if I didn't believe I was put here on Earth to help change the world.
- Nick Vujicic
As a bird easily comes to terms with the necessity of bearing wings when it finds that it is, in fact, the wings that bear up the bird--up, away from the world, into the sky, into freedom--so the woman who accepts the limitations of womanhood finds in those very limitations her gifts, her special calling--wings, in fact, which bear her up into perfect freedom, into the will of God.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Young people sometimes say to me, I'll just die if the Lord calls me to be a missionary, or words to that effect. Wonderful! I say. That's the best possible way to start. You won't be of much use on the mission field unless you 'die' first. The conditions for discipleship begin with 'dying', and if you take the first step, very likely you will find that you have indeed been 'called'.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Marriage is a vocation. You are called to it. Accept marriage, then, as a God-given task. Throw yourself into it with joy. Do it heartily, with faith, prayer, and thanksgiving.
- Elisabeth Elliot
The believer alone will be able to hear the call. It comes from beyond ourselves, beyond our society, beyond the climate of opinion and prejudice and rebellion and skepticism in which we live, and beyond our time and taste. It draws toward the center of all things, that still place of which T.S. Eliot wrote : Against the Word the unstilled world still whirled About the centre of the silent Word.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Holiness presupposes constant growth through an ongoing relationship with the One who has called us to be holy.
- Elisabeth Elliot
God calls me. In a deeper sense than any other species of earthbound creature, I am called. And in a deeper sense I am free, for I can ignore the call.
- Elisabeth Elliot
When God gives you a mission, He also gives you everything you need to fulfill that mission.
- Elizabeth George
Raising your children to love and serve Jesus is fulfilling one of God's highest callings upon your life.
- Elizabeth George
One of God's high callings for His people is that they be teachers of good things.
- Elizabeth George
If we bow down before the truth of Christ's prophetic ministry and then stand up on our feet ready to serve the Lord, something will happen.
- Alistair Begg