Quotes about Direction
He who has seen the light does not choose to walk in darkness.
- James Allen
There's no shame in changing direction, Harriet. In fact, once you've seen the warning signs, it's always wise to turn around.
- Lynn Austin
Don't ask God what He's doing. That's the wrong thing to ask. Ask Him what you should be doing.
- Lynn Austin
if we confess our sins to Hashem, if we repent of our wrongdoings and promise to turn away from them and go in a new direction, then He will forgive us. We should make restitution for what we have done whenever possible. And sometimes there are natural consequences from our actions that must be faced. But the Scriptures say that as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is Hashem's mercy toward us.
- Lynn Austin
but he knew that Hashem revealed His will through His Word. The way to find answers was through obedience to that Word.
- Lynn Austin
The decisions you make determine the schedule you keep. The schedule you keep determines the life you live. And how you live your life determines
- Lysa TerKeurst
Imagine this opportunity as an amazingly attractive but fast-moving river. There is so much that looks extremely appealing about this river, you're going to be tempted to jump right in. But once you are in the river, you have diminished your ability to make decisions. That river is moving so fast that it will take you where it is going. And if you haven't carefully traced out in advance whether you want to go through and to the places that river flows, you'll be in trouble.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Now I'm not saying the act of going to church fixes everything. Just as simply looking at a restaurant menu won't give you nourishment. We've got to engage with what's offered if it's going to do us any good. But putting my heart in a place to receive truth certainly got me going in a different direction.
- Lysa TerKeurst
We want big directional signs from God. God just wants us to pay attention.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Our decisions aren't just isolated choices. Our decisions point our lives in the directions we're about to head. Show me a decision and I'll show you a direction.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Experiencing life change is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice, choosing God's ways instead of your own.
- Lysa TerKeurst
By how much He wants us to pay attention to His instruction so He can reveal His direction. Don't miss this. Unbroken companionship helps us hear His instruction so then we can see His direction.
- Lysa TerKeurst