Quotes about Direction
Sometimes the current even starts to flow in the other direction: sometimes, particularly in university math and science departments, nerds deliberately exaggerate their awkwardness in order to seem smarter.
- Paul Graham
Choosing a path means having to miss out on others
- Paulo Coelho
When a sense of dissatisfaction persists, that means it was placed there by God for one reason only: you need to change everything and move forward.
- Paulo Coelho
God has prepared a path for everyone to follow.
- Paulo Coelho
What we need to learn is always there before us, we just have to look around us with respect and attention in order to discover where God is leading us and which step we should take next.
- Paulo Coelho
We make a lot of detours, but we're always heading for the same destination
- Paulo Coelho
I'm afraid of committing myself," she thought to herself. She wanted to follow all possible paths and so ended up following none.
- Paulo Coelho
When a sense of dissatisfaction persists, that means it was placed there by God for one purpose only: you need to change everything and move forward.
- Paulo Coelho
I only know that a life without cause is a life without effect.
- Paulo Coelho
Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him. [...] We, people hearts, seldom say much about these treasures, because people no longer want to go in search of them. We speak of them only to children. Later we simple let life proceed, in its own direction, toward its own path laid out for them — the path to their destinies, and to happiness. Most people see the world as a threatening place, and because they do, the world turns out, indeed, to be a threatening place. p.125
- Paulo Coelho
Long before Abraham's servant traveled to Mesopotamia, God had appointed Rebekah to be the bride of Isaac. "The angel of the LORD will direct you," Abraham told the servant. "He'll lead you to the one.
- Chuck Smith
God's Word has the power to light our way and to clear the debris that has covered the path so we can walk in it.
- Lisa Bevere