Quotes about Correspondence
By the way, I like letters. Letter writing has been an important pasttime for the church. I can't promise I'll write you back, but I will read your letter, and I'll do my best to reply. Right now, I'm running about six months behind on writing. And I prefer old-school snail mail: Shane Claiborne, PO Box 12798, Philadelphia, PA 19134.
- Shane Claiborne
With respect to the northeastern boundary of the United States, no official correspondence between this Government and that of Great Britain has passed since that communicated to Congress toward the close of their last session.
- Martin Van Buren
You should go to a pear tree for pears, not to an elm.
- Publilius Syrus
The life also which here we live hath its own enchantment, through a certain proportion of its own, and a correspondence with all things beautiful here below.
- St. Augustine
Our ideas must agree with realities, be such realities concrete or abstract
- William James
When you are congruent in your personal life, you will be congruent in your business life.
- Brendon Burchard
Our Lord has a double view of us: the way He intended us to be and the way we corresponded to His grace.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
All things are linked and knitted together, and the knot is sacred, neither is there anything in the world, that is not kind and natural in regard of any other thing, or, that hath not some kind of reference and natural correspondence with whatsoever is in the world besides.
- Marcus Aurelius
for me to help him," said Dorothea, ardently. "You have quite made up your mind, I see. Well, my dear, the fact is, I have a letter for you in my pocket." Mr. Brooke handed the letter to Dorothea, but as she rose to go away, he added, "There is not too much
- George Eliot
The bias of human nature to be slow in correspondence triumphs even over the present quickening in the general pace of things:
- George Eliot
The best letters of our time are precisely those that can never be published.
- Virginia Woolf
My correspondence has certainly the charm of variety, and the humbler are usually the more interesting. This looks like one of those unwelcome social summonses which call upon a man either to be bored or to lie.
- Arthur Conan Doyle