Quotes about Beliefs
A philosophy a system of principles that will guide your thoughts and actions.
- Napoleon Hill
If you fail to plant DESIRES in your subconscious mind, it will feed upon the thoughts which reach it as the result of your neglect.
- Napoleon Hill
But it is daily tasks, daily acts of love and worship that serve to remind us that the religion is not strictly an intellectual pursuit, and these days it is easy to lose sight of that as, like our society itself, churches are becoming more politicized and polarized. Christian faith is a way of life, not an impregnable fortress made up of ideas; not a philosophy; not a grocery list of beliefs.
- Kathleen Norris
you cannot have a political solution for a spiritual problem. You must have spiritual solutions for spiritual problems!
- Ken Ham
Creationists hold to an Ice Age that was triggered by the Flood. The Flood occurred about 2348 b.c., which is about 4,300 years ago.1 The secularists' most recent ice age was supposedly about 10,000 years ago (by their dating system).
- Ken Ham
In our experience, as believers practice loving attitudes and behavior toward others inside and outside their faith community, unchurched friends and family don't have to be talked into church participation. They seek it out, drawn by the promise of love.
- George Barna
autosuggestion as a way of altering your habits and beliefs so that you can make yourself into the master salesperson you want to become.
- Napoleon Hill
Remember that people are motivated to buy or not to buy, through their feelings. Much of what they believe to be their own feelings consist of thought impulses they have unconsciously picked up from the messages sent out by the salesperson.
- Napoleon Hill
There can be no greater mistake than to suppose that Jesus ever separated theology from ethics, or that if you remove His theology - His beliefs about God and judgment, future woe for the wicked and future blessedness for the good - you can leave His ethical teaching intact.
- J. Gresham Machen
I think that my preaching style and many of my ideas and ideals about faith are based in both Pentecostal and Baptist background.
- Bishop TD Jakes
If anybody said that I should die if I did not take beef-tea or mutton, even under medical advice, I would prefer death.
- Mahatma Gandhi
No reasonable man, much less a Christian, can or should take part in the efforts of Communists and Socialists
- CF Walther