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Quotes about Victim

The existence of evil does not harm the world. And an individual act of evil does not harm the victim. Only one person is harmed by it—and he can stop being harmed as soon as he decides to.
- Marcus Aurelius
It was also shameful: when a shameful thing is done to you, the shamefulness rubs off on you. You feel dirtied.
- Margaret Atwood
If you do not for give you actually are tying yourself to the perpetrator, that you are going to live your life as a victim. And you won't experience a liberation that comes from forgiving.
- Desmond Tutu
Thanks to a skewed court system, the offender gets more sympathy than the victim of his crime. Police officers are put on trial for doing their duty against a criminal with a rap sheet that reaches to the floor. Who's the one who broke the law—the criminal or the policeman? Police officers are investigated while criminals write books that make them rich, famous, and features them on television talk shows.
- John Hagee
O saving Victim, opening wide. The gate of heaven to man below, Our foes press on from every side,Thine aid supply, Thy strength bestow.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Forgiveness is not reconciliation. It takes one sinner to repent, and one victim to forgive, but it takes both to reconcile. Therefore, unless there is both repentance by the sinner and forgiveness by the victim, reconciliation cannot occur
- Mark Driscoll
As he slew the innocent victim, he trembled at the thought that his sin must shed the blood of the spotless Lamb of God.
- Ellen White
My! we couldn't get him out, Tom. And besides, 'twouldn't do any good; they'd ketch him again. Yes—so they would. But I hate to hear 'em abuse him so like the dickens when he never done—that. I do too, Tom. Lord, I hear 'em say he's the
- Mark Twain
To believe in nonviolence does not mean that violence will not be inflicted upon you. The believer in nonviolence is the person who will willingly allow himself to be the victim of violence but will never inflict violence upon another.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
scapegoaters, but rather on the side of the scapegoated victim.
- Robert Barron
Let the fellowship of Christ examine itself and see whether it has given any token of the love of Christ to the victim of the world's contumely and contempt, any token of that love of Christ which seeks to preserve, support and protect life. Otherwise however liturgically correct our services are, and however devout our prayer, however brave our testimony, they will profit us nothing, nay rather, they must needs testify against us that we have as a Church ceased to follow our Lord.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
There are two victims in every abortion: a dead baby and a dead conscience.
- Mother Teresa