Quotes about Broad
I've got an 'eckilectic' reading list.
- George W. Bush
When I grew up, the Devil was a reason why I had a headache or the Devil was the reason I got mad today. We always blamed the Devil. I think today when I say the Enemy, I like to make it broader. Sometimes the Enemy can be our own thoughts.
- Joel Osteen
Do you remember what Darwin says about music? He claims that the power of producing and appreciating it existed among the human race long before the power of speech was arrived at. Perhaps that is why we are so subtly influenced by it. There are vague memories in our souls of those misty centuries when the world was in its childhood. That's rather a broad idea, I remarked. One's ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature
- Arthur Conan Doyle
The universe is wider than our views of it.
- Henry David Thoreau
Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
- Anonymous
What a broad world to roam in, what a sea to swim in is this God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- AW Tozer
It will be a broad work, with strategies coming from many different sources. I will give one part of a plan to one person, another to others. This will take place simultaneously, and often one ministry or person will not even realize they are a part of a larger scheme. But I will be cutting off Satan's strength from every direction, as through the watchman anointing My people discern from Me.
- Dutch Sheets
Only the spacious, contemplative mind can see so broadly and trust so deeply. The small calculating mind wants either/or, win or lose, good or bad.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Myth is, in fact, something that is so true that it can be adequately expressed only in story, symbol, and ritual. It can't be abstracted and objectified. Its meaning and mystery are so deep and broad that they can be presented only in story form. When you step into a story, you find it is without limits and you can walk around with it and inside it. It is natural to sing, dance, and reenact a story. It is too big and too deep to be merely "understood" or taught.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
I don't want to just preach to the church. I feel like I have a broader message.
- Joel Osteen
The domain of Calvinism is indeed far broader than the narrow confessional interpretation would lead us to suppose.
- Abraham Kuyper
I hardly know an intellectual man, even, who is so broad and truly liberal that you can think aloud in his society.
- Henry David Thoreau