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Quotes about Agenda

If churches are to be healthy, then pastors and teachers must be committed to discovering the meaning of Scripture and allowing that meaning to drive the agenda with their congregations.
- Thabiti M. Anyabwile
Our agenda becomes secondary. The preacher's agenda becomes secondary. God's agenda for his people takes center stage, reorders our priorities, and directs us in the course that most honors him. The Lord himself proclaimed, "My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27). Listening to the voice of Jesus as it is heard in his Word is critical to following him.
- Thabiti M. Anyabwile
The problem with State of the Union speeches is that they are, by their nature and design, alphabet soup. It's hard to know what a president really cares about when they run down a laundry list and check every issue box under the sun for fear they will offend some constituency if they don't.
- Mark McKinnon
We are fallen dreamers, who dream of better worlds than the one in which we live. But the dreams we envision are often more about our own agenda than they are about our Lord's. Though we may not be aware of it, we are often at odds with our wise and loving Lord. The change he is working on is not the change we dream about. We dream about change in it—a person or circumstance—but God is working in the midst of it to change us.
- Timothy Lane
God's work is driven by an agenda so much grander than simply making our lives better. He wants to remake us into his likeness. And that likeness can be seen in Jesus.
- Timothy Lane
God has a bigger agenda for our relationships than we do
- Timothy Lane
it's about speaking with a biblical agenda. If
- Timothy Lane
Your priority in life should be a relationship with Christ, not an agenda for him.
- Chip Ingram
Propaganda is when a viewpoint is promoted regardless of truth. Art is when truth is rendered regardless of agenda.
- Steven James
The devil is persistent, but we must never let him set the agenda. We don't negotiate with the enemy, nor do we let him distract us from our calling in life. In the face of opposition, our answer is always the same: I am a child of God, saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I choose to live my life by faith according to what God says is true in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Neil Anderson
We cannot receive, however, unless we set aside time for God to speak—and then let him set the agenda for our discussion. I've found that my agenda is frequently different from God's. He must be the initiator in my spiritual walk. He knows what I need to hear. When I'm consumed with my temporal problems, I miss the blessing of being out of doors.
- Gary Thomas
Anti-Christian ideology has permeated much of the secular news media, and so often Biblical Christians are mocked, misrepresented or attacked for what they believe by anti-Christian agenda driven reporters.
- Ken Ham