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Quotes about Attitude

Pride comes from looking only at ourselves; meekness comes through looking at God.
- Billy Graham
God is more concerned about the attitude of our hearts than the way we express it. Worship isn't supposed to be entertainment.
- Billy Graham
God allows difficulties, inconveniences, trials, and even suffering to come our way for a specific purpose: They help develop the right attitude for the growth of patience.
- Billy Graham
We have some of the finest civil rights laws in the world, but they have not solved our racial problems. Why? Because we need a change of heart and attitude, Jesus said, "You must be born again" [John 3:7].
- Billy Graham
In many homes and among so-called educated people—it has become fashionable to joke about the Bible and to regard it more as a dust-catcher than as the living Word of God.
- Billy Graham
It is not the posture of the body, but the attitude of the heart that counts when we pray... The important thing is not the position of the body but the condition of the soul.
- Billy Graham
If you are a true Christian, you will not give way at home to bad temper, impatience, fault-finding, sarcasm, unkindness, suspicion, selfishness, or laziness.
- Billy Graham
God measures people by the small dimensions of humility and not by the bigness of their achievements or the size of their capabilities.
- Billy Graham
Worldliness is an inner attitude that puts self at the center of life instead of God.
- Billy Graham
As life hits us head-on we can respond with resentment, resignation, acceptance, or welcome. We are the living examples of our responses.
- Billy Graham
My wife has said that a bitter, sour Christian is one of Satan's greatest trophies—and she's right.
- Billy Graham
Ask [God] to help you reflect Christ as you grow older, instead of turning sour or grumpy.
- Billy Graham