Quotes about Attitude
As you proceed through life, following your own path, birds will shit on you. Don't bother to brush it off. Getting a comedic view of your situation gives you spiritual distance. Having a sense of humor saves you.
- Joseph Campbell
And just as the child gradually breaks off the habit of regarding his mother only as a means of satisfying his own desires and learns to love her for her own sake, so the worshipper after a struggle has reached an attitude of mind in which he desires God for himself and not as a means of fulfillment of his own wishes.
- Eugene Peterson
Many think that the only way to change your behavior is to first change your feelings.
- Eugene Peterson
One person says, "I don't feel like worshiping; therefore I am not going to church. I will wait till I feel like it and then I will go." Another says, "I don't feel like worshiping; therefore I will go to church and put myself in the way of worship." In the process she finds herself blessed and begins, in turn, to bless.
- Eugene Peterson
The theologian who has no joy in his work is not a theologian at all. Sulky faces, morose thoughts and boring ways of speaking are intolerable in this science.
- Eugene Peterson
It's what we believe about ourselves that determines how others see us.
- Beth Hoffman
Well, looks like you won't be reaching nirvana anytime soon." She pushed a stray lock of hair off her forehead and sniffed. "Yes, I suppose that's true. I guess I'll just have to settle for a trip to Idaho.
- Beth Hoffman
It's what we believe about ourselves that determines how others see us.
- Beth Hoffman
I'm learning that it's not what comes our way that matters so much as it is how we react.
- Beverly Lewis
Pessimism is an excuse for not trying and a guarantee to a personal failure.
- Bill Clinton
Bitterness affects the container, not the target.
- Bill Johnson
As Christians, we must get rid of the notion that the only answer for life's troubles is for us to die and go to heaven. Don't be mistaken—heaven is real and is greater than we can possibly imagine. But the kind of attitude that says rescue from this earth is the only thing we live for is an insult to the power of the blood of Jesus and the purpose of redemption.
- Bill Johnson