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Quotes about Attitude

Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are
- Muhammad Ali
and prefers to sit out a problem rather than sweat out a solution. That nonchalant and perfunctory attitude is a powerful tool of satan in his efforts to retard the growth of God's Kingdom.
- Myles Munroe
The picture that we have of ourselves—our self-concept—will always determine how we respond to life.
- Myles Munroe
There is a danger in Christians supposing that they simply have to be flaky, awkward, against the government all the time, continually doing things upside down and inside out. Some people of course seem to be born that way, and use the gospel imperative as an excuse for foisting their own cussedness or arrogance on everyone else.
- NT Wright
Someone who is determinedly trying to show God how good he or she is is likely to become an insufferable prig.
- NT Wright
What we believe about ourselves determines how we live. If we believe and act on lies, we will end up in bondage
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
The grateful heart that springs forth in joy is not acquired in a moment; it is the fruit of a thousand choices.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Broken men and women don't care who finds out about their sin; they have nothing to protect and nothing to lose. They are eager for God to be vindicated. David's response when confronted with his wrongdoing was that of a humble, broken man. And his was the heart that God honored. Again and again, God's Word reveals that He is not as concerned about the depth or extent of the sin we commit as He is about our attitude and response when we are confronted with our sin.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
As [a man] thin-keth in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7 KJV, italics added).
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Ironically, moral relativists often even pride themselves on being morally superior to others.
- Nancy Pearcey
I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me, because I will believe in them, and in myself.
- Napoleon Hill
Appearances matter — and remember to smile.
- Nelson Mandela