Quotes about Attitude
We don't see the world as it is; we see the world as we are...if someone has a critical eye, they will always find something to be critical about. And if they have a grateful eye, they will find something to celebrate even in the worst of circumstances...Having a "good eye" in life changes how you see yourself and everything around you... your focus determines your reality.
- Mark Batterson
Psychologists call this phenomenon the contrast effect. Simply put, how you see anything depends on your reference point. One way or the other, your focus will determine your reality.
- Mark Batterson
The Talmud teaches that there are four kinds of people in the world. The first person says, What's yours is mine. The second person says, What's yours is yours. The third person says, What's mine is mine. And the fourth person says, What's mine is yours. Which one are you?
- Mark Batterson
Don't whine. Don't complain. And don't check out. Make the most of the situation. Do little things like they are big things. Keep a good attitude. And faithfully carry out your current obligations. If your job isn't exciting, then bring some excitement to the job. One of the greatest acts of worship is keeping a good attitude in a bad situation. And doing a good job at a bad job honors God. It will also open doors of opportunity down the road. It did for Nehemiah.
- Mark Batterson
All of us have impossible people in our lives. All we can do is circle them in prayer. It's the only way to keep our attitude in check. And prayer has the power to change the heart of Pharaoh. So every time I got angry, I converted it into prayer. I think it's the closest I've ever come to praying without ceasing because I was angry all the time.
- Mark Batterson
It's not about being in the right place at the right time; it's about being the right person, even if you find yourself in the wrong circumstances.
- Mark Batterson
Each of us has an explanatory style... And our explanation is more important than the experience itself. In the words of Aldous Huxley, "Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.
- Mark Batterson
I am pushing sixty. That is enough exercise for me.
- Mark Twain
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence -- and then success is sure.
- Mark Twain
Pessimism is only the name that men of weak nerve give to wisdom.
- Mark Twain
Our response to an offense determines our future.
- John Bevere
Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future.
- Zig Ziglar