Quotes about Attitude
Where we might think of sin as slip-ups or missteps, God views sin as a godless attitude that leads to godless action.
- Max Lucado
Your attitude is like the minds paintbrush. It can paint everything in bright, vibrant colors-creating a masterspiece.
- John Maxwell
We were truly all the same (brothers) - because their belief in one God had removed the white from their minds, the white from their behavior, and the white from their attitude.
- Malcolm X
We all want Grace, but we cannot enjoy Grace when there is an attitude of comparing.
- Jerry Bridges
Change your mental attitude, & the World around you will change accordingly
- Napoleon Hill
Great leaders understand that the right attitude will set the right atmosphere, which enables the right response from others.
- John Maxwell
The big question isn't whether you have problems; the all-important factor is your attitude toward problems. How you think of the problem is more important than the problem itself.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Attitude determines choice, and choice determines results. All that we are, and all that we can become has indeed been left unto us.
- Jim Rohn
We simply assume that the way we see things is the way they really are or the way they should be. And our attitudes and behaviors grow out of these assumptions.
- Stephen Covey
Our mental attitude is the x factor that determines our fate.
- Dale Carnegie
Go forward confidently, energetically attacking problems, expecting favorable outcomes.
- Norman Vincent Peale
We might not be able to change our circumstances, but we CAN change our attitude.
- Beth Moore