Quotes about Attitude
Misunderstanding is another test you will have to go through in order to be a leader. You have to make up your mind that you are going to stand with God and do what He says even if nobody understands you, agrees with you or supports you. Jesus understands you, and that is enough. When we are misunderstood, it is a good opportunity to practice forgiveness and keep a good attitude. 9.
- Joyce Meyer
It's very hard to think negative thoughts about someone you're taking to the Lord every day. You'll be amazed at how God will change your heart toward that person; your thoughts and ultimately your actions could very well change the way he behaves.
- Joyce Meyer
It means that all throughout the day we should be in a prayerful attitude. As we encounter each situation or as things come to our mind that need attention, we should simply submit them to God in prayer.
- Joyce Meyer
Success in every aspect of life begins with a thought; so does failure. If you think you cannot do or attain something, chances are you will not be able to. Your mind has that much influence over your life.
- Joyce Meyer
Proverbs 23:7 and allow it to have an impact on your life: for as you think in your heart, so are you. I frequently say, "Where the mind goes, the man follows." Chapter
- Joyce Meyer
Becoming established in the thought I am difficult to offend can prepare you ahead of time for any offense you may face. It will set you up to forgive and release the offender, which will keep you out of the snare of unforgiveness.
- Joyce Meyer
Being positive in a positive situation is easy. Anyone can do that. But when we are positive in a negative situation, it shows a genuine trust in God and a spiritual maturity that pleases and glorifies God.
- Joyce Meyer
If you have wondered how to have peace, I can tell you that it will come if you will quit making a big deal about everything.
- Joyce Meyer
Never forget this: your mind plays an important role in your victory.
- Joyce Meyer
We must take responsibility for our responses to daily events, especially the little offenses that tempt us to be angry.
- Joyce Meyer
You can't control what happens to you, but you can determine to go through it with the right attitude. In
- Joyce Meyer
By just being positive, having the best perspective on everything, and always believing the best of everybody, we release peace and joy in our lives.
- Joyce Meyer