Quotes about Attitude
If someone has hurt me, and I am bitter about it, that person is in actuality still hurting me. Bitterness is a pain in itself. It is a negative attitude that steals joy and peace. However, if I am willing to press past the pain and make a decision to forgive, I will be free.
- Joyce Meyer
How many times do we ask God to give us something, and after He gives it to us, we start complaining because we have to take care of it? This kind of wilderness mentality keeps us living in the wilderness when we could be living in the Promised Land.
- Joyce Meyer
Worry and anxiety do, however, change us. It can make us sick and grouchy. A medical researcher recently told me that 87 percent of all illness is connected to wrong thought patterns.
- Joyce Meyer
That is exactly why we must keep a right heart attitude if we want God to continue to use us. There is a great responsibility to leadership. There is moreto ministry than just standing up in front of people and exercising spiritual gifts. Our lives must be right behind the scenes. We must always be on our guard against presumption. Presumption
- Joyce Meyer
Our circumstances shouldn't be the things that determine our level of joy. Even if we are having the worst day ever, we can have a confident, joy-filled, hopeful attitude if we learn to look at what we have left, not what we have lost. Always look at what God is doing, not what you think He isn't doing.
- Joyce Meyer
To get the victory and keep our attitude one of hope, we need to renew our mind to God's promises concerning our situation and stand in faith, believing God will do what His Word says He will do.
- Joyce Meyer
One of the biggest causes of stress is focusing on the negative things that are happening around us.
- Joyce Meyer
Standing up on the inside doesn't mean being rebellious or having an angry attitude toward those who don't understand us. It means having a quiet, inner confidence that takes us through to the finish line. Confidence means knowing that despite what is happening outside, everything is going to be all right because God is with you, and when He is present nothing is impossible
- Joyce Meyer
Remember that a negative mind produces a negative life.
- Joyce Meyer
We can complain and remain, or praise and be raised.
- Joyce Meyer
God's purpose for us and our minds is that we learn to live with a positive attitude. No matter what our circumstances, our minds belong to us and no one can do our thinking for us if we don't let them. I encourage you to be passionate about being positive. A positive attitude lifts us above our circumstances and enables us to have peace in the midst of the storm and to have joy when there is no visible reason to rejoice.
- Joyce Meyer
Jesus had much to say to the Pharisees of His day. They had a polished performance, kept the laws, followed all the rules and regulations, and were proud of it. They also had a judgmental attitude toward others, did not walk in love, and showed no mercy. Jesus called them whitewashed tombs full of dead men's bones (Matthew 23:27).
- Joyce Meyer