Quotes about Attitude
If you focus on your problems or your frustrations, your attitude is going to be negative and defeated. But when you put your focus on God and His promises for your life, your attitude will immediately change.
- Joyce Meyer
You cannot have a negative mouth and a positive life.
- Joyce Meyer
All of us have the privilege and responsibility of choosing our attitudes, no matter what circumstances or situations we find ourselves in. The key word here is choosing. Attitudes don't just happen; they are the products of our choices.
- Joyce Meyer
I am not going to let negative people control my mood. They have problems and they are not going to give their problems to me.
- Joyce Meyer
A bad attitude is like a flat tire. If you don't change it, you won't go anywhere.
- Joyce Meyer
The people who are happy are the ones who decide to be happy.
- Joyce Meyer
A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances, instead of your circumstances having power over you.
- Joyce Meyer
There are many emotions we have to resist, but happiness is not one of them! So go ahead and be as happy as you can possibly be.
- Joyce Meyer
I will say positive, hopeful things no matter how I feel.
- Joyce Meyer
No day needs to be ordinary if we realize the gift God is giving us when He gives us another day to live and enjoy. An extraordinary attitude can quickly turn an ordinary day into an amazing adventure. Jesus said He came so that we might have and enjoy life (see John 10:10). If we refuse to enjoy it, then it's no one's fault but our own. I would like to suggest that you take responsibility for your joy and never again give anyone else the job of keeping you happy.
- Joyce Meyer
Contentment with life is not a feeling, but it is a decision we must make. Contentment does not mean that we never want to see change or improvement, but it does mean we can be happy where we are and will do the best we can with what we have. It also means we will maintain an attitude that allows us to enjoy the gift of life.
- Joyce Meyer
I encourage you to examine your life, to pay attention to your thoughts and your words, and to see how much thanksgiving you express. Do you murmur and complain about things or are you thankful?
- Joyce Meyer