Quotes about Attitude
Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it.
- Lou Holtz
It's just as easy to believe we're awesome as it is to believe we're giant sucking things.
- Jen Sincero
Snobbery works in both directions—if you're rich, thinking you're better than those who aren't is as equally lame as being broke and thinking you're better than those who are rich.
- Jen Sincero
Success is not about your circumstances, it's about who you're being.
- Jen Sincero
When it comes to money, who and what you surround yourself with has a huge effect on how you perceive it and feel about it. Your environment helps define what you consider to be expensive or cheap, a wise or stupid purchase, and how much you'll allow yourself to make. In fact, here's a sobering exercise:
- Jen Sincero
- Jen Sincero
Our thoughts become our words, our words become our beliefs, our beliefs become our habits, and our habits become our realities.
- Jen Sincero
Whenever anything excellent or mediocre or lame or annoying happens to you, meet it with the statement, "This is good because . . . " and fill in the blank. Once you make this a regular practice, you'll see how much easier it is to be in gratitude for much more than you realized.
- Jen Sincero
Your thoughts and beliefs dictate your reality, so if you want to change your reality, you have to change your beliefs. The
- Jen Sincero
When it comes to money, who and what you surround yourself with has a huge effect on how you perceive it and feel about it.
- Jen Sincero
Greed comes from the same lack mindset as poverty.
- Jen Sincero
Successful people have good habits; unsuccessful people have losery habits.
- Jen Sincero