Quotes about Attitude
You are responsible for how your life turns out, and your attitude shapes that life for better or worse.
- Earl Nightingale
You don't need a new life, just a new lens through which to view the one you have.
- Marianne Williamson
Remember that our reactions are a product of our perceptions, and our perceptions are a result of what is at the center of our life.
- Stephen Covey
To change one's disposition is a greater achievement than to change one's dress. It is harder for us to part with arrogance than with gold and gems.
- Jerome
How then can we deal with our tendency toward worldliness? It is *not* by determining that we will not be worldly, but by committing ourselves to becoming more godly.
- Jerry Bridges
It is relatively easy to serve those above us — even the world expects this — but Jesus served downward.
- Jerry Bridges
We cannot categorize sin if we are to live a life of holiness. God will not let us get away with that kind of attitude.
- Jerry Bridges
one of the chief characteristics of a servant is that he serves downward — that is, to those who by the world's standards are beneath him in position or station in life.
- Jerry Bridges
Sin is not only a series of actions, it is also an attitude that ignores the law of God. But it is even more than a rebellious attitude. Sin is a state of heart, a condition of our inmost being. It is a state of corruption, of vileness, yes, even of filthiness in God's sight.
- Jerry Bridges
But when we complain about the weather, we are actually complaining against God who sent us our weather.
- Jerry Bridges
Our first problem is that our attitude toward sin is more self-centered than God-centered. We're more concerned about our own "victory" over sin than we are about the fact that our sins grieve God's heart. We cannot tolerate failure in our struggle with sin chiefly because we are success-oriented, not because we know it's offensive to God.
- Jerry Bridges
There are more than 150 references to the fear of God in the Bible. While the majority of these occur in the Old Testament, there are a sufficient number in the New Testament to convince us that fearing God is indeed an attitude of heart we should cultivate today.
- Jerry Bridges