Quotes about Conceit
Talent is God-given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.
- John Wooden
Talent is God-given: be humble. Fame is man-given: be thankful. Conceit is self-given: be careful.
- John Wooden
Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
- Proverbs 26:12
Lest anyone think that any action, however required or useful, could be a source of pride, Sibbes preached that "it is a sottish conceit to think that we can fit ourselves for grace, as if a child in the womb could forward its natural birth. If God hath made us men, let us not make ourselves gods."107
- Mark Dever
Ignorance, intolerance, egotism, self-assertion, opaque perception, dense and pitiful chuckle headedness - and an almost pathetic unconsciousness of it all, that is what I was at nineteen and twenty.
- Mark Twain
Conceit makes the way God deals with me personally the binding standard for others.
- Oswald Chambers
The greatest idol I will never truly remove is self.
- Pastor James Wilson
C. S. Lewis once said, "A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you're looking down, you can't see something that's above you.
- Patrick Morley
Foolishness is more than being stupid, that deadly combination of arrogance and ignorance.
- Paul David Tripp
You have said, ‘Look, I have defeated Edom,’ and your heart has become proud and boastful. Now stay at home. Why should you stir up trouble so that you fall—you and Judah with you?”
- 2 Chronicles 25:19
Though his arrogance reaches the heavens, and his head touches the clouds,
- Job 20:6
They have closed their callous hearts; their mouths speak with arrogance.
- Psalm 17:10