Quotes about Stare
Elisha fixed his gaze steadily on him until Hazael became uncomfortable. Then the man of God began to weep.
- 2 Kings 8:11
And when Peter saw this, he addressed the people: “Men of Israel, why are you surprised by this? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?
- Acts 3:12
I have known a vast quantity of nonsense talked about bad men not looking you in the face. Don't trust that conventional idea. Dishonesty will stare honesty out of countenance any day in the week, if there is anything to be got by it.
- Charles Dickens
That's why I tell stories: to create readiness, to nudge the people toward receptive insight. In their present state they can stare till doomsday and not see it, listen till they're blue in the face and not get it.
- Eugene Peterson
There's a loneliness that only exists in one's mind. The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart and all they can do is stare blankly.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
If she felt my gaze upon her, I assume she was accustomed to being stared at, just as I was used to wanting what I could not have.
- Alice Hoffman
Eyeball to eyeball.
- Anonymous
He had acted so strangely before they retired, she thought. Withdrawn. He was like one come back from the dead, not yet fully aware of his return, his eyes half shut and glassy with the inward stare. It made her think of his warning about the spice-impregnated diet: addictive.
- Frank Herbert
His stare enveloped my whole being, and I wondered if he saw that I was a mass of eyes.
- Elie Wiesel