Quotes about Specialization
Writing headlines is a specialty - there are outstanding writers who will tell you they couldn't write a headline to save their lives.
- Bill Walsh
Those who attain any excellence, commonly spend life in one pursuit; for excellence is not often gained upon easier terms.
- Samuel Johnson
The New England divine Cotton Mather puts it this way: "Exhibit as much as you can of a glorious Christ. Yea, let the motto upon your whole ministry be: Christ is all. Let others develop the pulpit fads that come and go. Let us specialize in preaching our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Joel Beeke
Languages build up to reflect specializations in a way of life. Each specialization may be recognized by its words, by its assumptions and sentence structures. Look for stoppages. Specializations represent places where life is being stopped, where the movement is dammed up and frozen.
- Frank Herbert
Do what you do best, and outsource the rest.
- Peter Drucker
Life isn't about trying to be an expert in everything. It's about being an expert in one thing and offering it to the world.
- Bo Sanchez
In high school, I was very good in math and physics. I wasn't good at much of anything else. Some people are good at a lot of things. I don't know how they choose what to do.
- Donna Strickland
Let every man practise the trade which he best understands.
- Cicero
Let a man practise the profession he best knows. [Lat., Quam quisque novit artem, in hac se exerceat.]
- Cicero
There is nothing so stupid as an educated man, if you get off the thing that he was educated in.
- Will Rogers