Quotes about Assumption
All persons act from beliefs they are conditioned not to question, from a set of deeply seated prejudices. Therefore, whoever presumes to judge must be asked: How are you affronted? And this judge must begin there to question inwardly as well as outwardly. — The Question from Ritual of the Courtarena Guide to Servants of the Box
- Frank Herbert
Improve relationships with others by assuming that they can hear everything you say about them
- Stephen Covey
Ironically, our desire to clean ourselves actually minimizes the problem of uncleanness. It assumes we can give ourselves a good enough scrubbing to get a little holy before we meet the Holy One.
- Edward Welch
Everybody liked better to conjecture how the thing was, than simply to know it; for conjecture soon became more confident than knowledge, and had a more liberal allowance for the incompatible.
- George Eliot
If I promised you a new car, would you say, "If it's new, it probably won't have an engine, a transmission, doors, wheels, or windows"? No, you'd never make such assumptions. Why? Because if a new car didn't have these things, it wouldn't be a car. Likewise, when Scripture speaks of a new Earth (2 Peter 3, and Revelation 21), we can expect that it will be a far better version of the old Earth, but it will truly be Earth.
- Randy Alcorn
We see that the world seeks happiness instead of holiness. Therefore, we assume we should do the opposite. But we're wrong.
- Randy Alcorn
Too often we assume that God has increased our income to increase our standard of living, when his stated purpose is to increase our standard of giving.
- Randy Alcorn
We have lived by the assumption that what was good for us would be good for the world. We have been wrong. We must change our lives, so that it will be possible to live by the contrary assumption that what is good for the world will be good for us. . . We must recover the sense of the majesty of the creation and the ability to be worshipful in its presence. For it is only on the condition of humility and reverence before the world that our species will be able to remain in it.
- Wendell Berry
Prayer is the easiest thing to assume in church and the hardest thing to maintain.
- James MacDonald
Men judge of Christians by taking as fair samples those that lie rotten on the ground.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Im like my mother, I stereotype. Its faster.
- George Clooney
Shall we, because we walk on our hind feet, assume to ourselves only the privilege of imperishability?
- George Eliot