Quotes about Silence
With his words, he could approach the soul where it resided, a glory to God, for words were what the Almighty first created, after the silence of the world, and they were Eleazar ben Ya'ir's gift as well.
- Alice Hoffman
if a person doesn't speak her mind she will carry her resentment until it burns her
- Alice Hoffman
she wanted to sit in the dark and whisper all of her fears into an ear which would hold every word like a silver shell.
- Alice Hoffman
I heard the voice of God all around me, but I was unafraid. I should have trembled before the Almighty and hid myself from sight. I should have taken a knife to my own flesh to cut away the mark of my past deeds. But now I understood that, although words were God's first creation, silence was closer to His divine spirit, and that prayers given in silence were infinitely greater than the thousands of words men might offer up to heaven.
- Alice Hoffman
If you're silent for a long time, people just arrive in your mind.
- Alice Walker
Jack is tall and kind and don't hardly say anything. Love children. Respect his wife, Odessa, and all Odessa amazon sisters. Anything she want to take on, he right there. Never talking much, though. That's the main thing. And then I remember one time he touch me. And it felt like his fingers had eyes. Felt like he knew me all over, but he just touch my arm up near the shoulder.
- Alice Walker
You better not never tell nobody but god.
- Alice Walker
In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousandfold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.
- Joel Rosenberg
When negative thoughts come, the key is to never verbalize them.
- Joel Osteen
Many times, before a promise comes to pass, you have to go through a season of silence where you don't see anything changing. This is when many people give up on what they're believing for. But just because you don't see anything happening doesn't mean God is not working.
- Joel Osteen
An event has happened, upon which it is difficult to speak, and impossible to be silent.
- Edmund Burke
En boca cerrada no entran moscas [The closed mouth swallows no flies].
- Anonymous