Quotes about Silence
There is one voice we never hear. God does not speak in the whole book of Lamentations.11 Heaven is silent. Which does not necessarily mean that heaven is deaf or blind. We shall consider later what Kathleen O'Connor calls 'the power of the missing voice'.
- Christopher Wright
In fact, in order that we may never know ourselves, we hate silence and solitariness. Lest our conscience should carry on with us an unbearable repartee, we drown out its voice in amusements, distractions, and noise. If we met ourselves in others, we would hate them.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
We say and exclaim within ourselves without breaking silence, in a tumult where everything speaks except our mouths. The realities of the soul are none the less real for being invisible and impalpable.
- Victor Hugo
We say and exclaim within ourselves without breaking silence, in a tumult wherein everything speaks except our mouth. The realities of the soul are none the less real for being invisible and impalpable.
- Victor Hugo
Good! And what if you should happen to cough or to sneeze? A man who is making his escape does not cough or sneeze.
- Victor Hugo
One speaks to one's self, talks to one's self, exclaims to one's self without breaking the external silence; there is a great tumult; everything about us talks except the mouth. The realities of the soul are none the less realities because they are not visible and palpable.
- Victor Hugo
He who has not been a determined accuser during prosperity should hold his peace in adversity.
- Victor Hugo
He understood how to sit down and hold his peace for long hours beside the man who had lost the wife of his love
- Victor Hugo
Biassou raised his hand, and as if by enchantment the tumult was stilled, and each negro returned to his place in the ranks in silence. The discipline which Biassou had imposed upon his equals by the exercise of his power of will struck me, I may say, with admiration. All the soldiers of the force seemed to exist only to obey the wishes of their chief, as the notes of the harpsichord under the fingers of the musician.
- Victor Hugo
Nothing trains children to silence like unhappiness.
- Victor Hugo
Only after a while did it occur to me (in spite of the chilly silence which surrounded me) that my story was not of the tragic sort, but rather of the comic variety. At any rate that afforded me some comfort.
- Milan Kundera
Is it right to raise one's voice when others are being silenced? Yes.
- Milan Kundera