Quotes about Challenge
More people are ruined by victory, I imagine, than be defeat.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.
- Napoleon Hill
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
- Robert Frost
We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.
- Helen Keller
In the mist of Difficulty lies Opportunity.
- Oprah Winfrey
no one's upset by what you're saying, you're probably not pushing hard enough. (And you're probably boring, too.)
- Jason Fried
This real world sounds like an awfully depressing place to live. It's a place where new ideas, unfamiliar approaches, and foreign concepts always lose. The only things that win are what people already know and do, even if those things are flawed and inefficient.
- Jason Fried
I don't even know what 'working hard' means. If you get to sit behind a desk all day in an air-conditioned room, there's no such thing as hard work.
- Jason Fried
Don't make up problems you don't have yet. It's not a problem until it's a real problem.
- Jason Fried
A problem is a chance for you to do your best
- Duke Ellington
Sometimes life seems like a match between oneself and one's gaolors. The gaolers, of course, are one's mistakes; and the question is, who'll hold out longest? When I think of that, life instead of being too long, seems as short as a winter day....
- Edith Wharton
It's all stupid and narrow and unjust—but one can't make over society.
- Edith Wharton