Quotes about Wrestling
WWE and I have a long history, and I remember some very fun days back in the day.
- Roddy Piper
I never was in a wrestling ring before I stepped foot into a WWE ring, so I am a product of NXT.
- Enzo Amore
I trained under Bill DeMott. I did a lot of my promo work with Dusty Rhodes.
- Enzo Amore
Monday nights, it wasn't like, 'Mom, I want to watch Monday Night Raw.' It was like, 'Mom, put on Shawn Michaels.'
- Enzo Amore
I've been picked up by Big Cass and thrown down the ramp onto metal. Have you ever seen that before in this business? No, no, that's a mighty big fall from the top of the ramp, straight down to the bottom onto concrete. He picked me up over his head and thrown me 14 feet to the ground.
- Enzo Amore
Christ is on both sides: he holdeth up, and throweth down, in one and the same act; he denieth the woman to be his, and is on her side to grace her, to believe that he is her's. Christ putteth his child away, and he desireth that his child should not be put away from him; he is for Jacob in his wrestling, and as if he were against him, saith, 'Let me alone.' Christ here doth both hold and draw, oppose and defend at once.
- Samuel Rutherford
I'm really excited to bring everything that I had learned from NXT and put that into the character on 'SmackDown Live' and be one of the biggest, if not best heels the company has ever seen.
- Eva Marie
Jude's use of epagonidzomai means to fight over an issue or to fight for a truth, and it pictures people who are wrestling between issues of truth and deception.
- Rick Renner
I've never had to make weight for any sport before. Because, get this, I was not allowed to do any sports in school because I was a professional athlete. I was doing wrestling at the age of 15, so the school districts and the board of directors said that because I was a professional athlete that I couldn't do anything.
- Rich Swann
Wrestling is a business, it is show business and wrestling championships are props.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
Neville is one of my favorite pros in the business.
- Enzo Amore
My character isn't supposed to be flashy and be over-the-top. I'm supposed to be dirty in the ring. I'm supposed to kick and punch, and I'm supposed to cheat and find ways to win at all costs.
- Alexa Bliss