Quotes about Trinity
Because it is grounded in the Trinity, our unity also allows us to celebrate our diversity in the body of Christ.
- Timothy Lane
Remember, Father, Son, and Spirit were torn apart when Jesus died so that we might embrace rather than exclude one another. We have to be willing to face conflict. God wants us to grow and this is a crucial place where growth often occurs. He wants to make us more like Christ
- Timothy Lane
Because it is grounded in the Trinity, our unity also allows us to celebrate our diversity in the body of Christ. There is one God, but three persons. God uses our diversity to accomplish his purpose—our growth in grace. Diversity is not an obstacle, but a very significant means to this end.
- Timothy Lane
The advantage of believing in the Trinity is not that we get an A from God for knowing the right answer. The advantage of believing in the Trinity is that we then live as if the Trinity is real, as if the cosmos around us is actually beyond all else a community of unspeakably magnificent personal beings of boundless love, knowledge and power.
- Dallas Willard
Immerse them together in the presence of the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Yes, baptize them in the name, but, dear friends, that doesn't just mean getting them wet while you say those names. It means to immerse them in the Reality.
- Dallas Willard
The Trinity is the model of life as it is intended to be in human existence, the basis for Christian community.
- Dallas Willard
You are an unceasing spiritual being, created for an intimate and transforming friendship with the creative Community that is the Trinity.
- Dallas Willard
May you experience grace—God acting in your life, in your thoughts, in your feelings, in your rest. May his face shine upon you. May his shining face lift up over you as you lie down, as you sleep, and give you the thoughts you need to have. The blessing of the Trinity rest upon you and everything you are and do. Let it be so. Amen.
- Dallas Willard
Therefore when the mind knows itself and loves itself, there remains a trinity, that is the mind, love and knowledge.
- Peter Lombard
The Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit: a separate and distinct member of the Godhead.
- Joseph Wirthlin
In the Father the infinite Love of God is always beginning and in the Son it is always full and in the Holy Spirit it is perfect and it is renewed and never ceases to rest in its everlasting source. But if you follow Love forward and backward from Person to Person, you can never track it to a stop, you can never corner it and hold it down and fix it to one of the Persons as if He could appropriate to Himself the fruit of the love of the others.
- Thomas Merton
I think poets owe a special adoration to the third person of the Holy Trinity, for by these tongues of fire all men are made poets and philosophers, and that is the way Christ would have it on earth.
- Thomas Merton