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Quotes about Trinity

Using the language of the One-and Many question we contend that in God the one and many are equally ultimate.... Unity in God is no more fundamental than diversity, and diversity in God is no more fundamental than unity. The persons of the Trinity are mutually exhaustive of one another. The Son and the Spirit are ontologically on par with the Father.
- Cornelius Van Til
We understand God best, Dorothy Sayers suggests, by thinking of God as a creative artist. Imagine God as an engineer or watchmaker or immovable force, and you will go astray. God's image shines through us most clearly in the act of creation-comprising the three stages of Idea, Expression, and Recognition-and by reproducing this act we may begin to grasp, by analogy, the Trinity.
- Philip Yancey
the triune God will indwell the world in a divine way - the world will indwell God in a creaturely way.
- Jurgen Moltmann
True worship is the fellowship of the Father who sends the Son who gives the Spirit.
- Dan Boone
Prud. What is Man? Joseph. A Reasonable Creature, so made by God, as my Brother said. Prud. What is supposed by this word saved? Joseph. That Man by Sin has brought himself into a state of Captivity and Misery. Prud. What is supposed by his being saved by the Trinity? Joseph. That Sin is so great and mighty a Tyrant, that none can pull us out of its clutches but God; and that God is so good and loving to man, as to pull him indeed out of this miserable state.
- John Bunyan
Prudence: Now James, can you tell me who made you? James: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Prudence: Good boy. And can you tell me who saves you? James: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Prudence: Good boy again. But how does God the Father save you? James: By his grace. Prudence: How does God the Son save you?
- John Bunyan
Let this also be written in your memory, and never forgotten. No Holy Spirit,--no true Christianity! You must have the Spirit in you, as well as Christ for you, if you are ever to be saved. God must be your loving Father, Jesus must be your known Redeemer, the Holy Ghost must be your felt Sanctifier, or else it will be better for you never to have been born.
- JC Ryle
How wonderful to discover that God has never been alone. He has always been Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God has always been a fellowship. This whole Story began with something relational.
- John Eldredge
In one sense the doctrine of the trinity is a mystery that we will never understand fully.
- Wayne Grudem
The Holy Spirit is said to be the divine, eternal, mutual love of the Father and the Son.
- John Owen
It was the whole Trinity, which at the beginning of creation said, "Let us make man". It was the whole Trinity again, which at the beginning of the Gospel seemed to say, "Let us save man".
- JC Ryle
What doth it profit thee to enter into deep discussion concerning the Holy Trinity, if thou lack humility, and be thus displeasing to the Trinity?
- Thomas a Kempis