Quotes about Sovereign
Another thing to which we desire to call particular attention is that the first two passages quoted above show plainly and teach implicitly that God's foreknowledge is not causative, that instead, something else lies behind, precedes it, and that something is His own sovereign decree. Christ was "delivered by the [1] determinate counsel and [2] foreknowledge of God" (Act 2:23).
- AW Pink
Had not the guilt of Adam's offense been charged to his posterity, none would die in infancy. Yet it does not necessarily follow that any who expire in early childhood are eternally lost. That they are born into this world spiritually dead, alienated from the life of God, is clear; but whether they die eternally, or are saved by sovereign grace, is probably one of those secret things which belong to the Lord.
- AW Pink
Here then was a case of the sovereign exercise of Divine mercy, for it was just as easy for Christ to heal the whole of that "great multitude" as this one "certain man." But lie did not. He put forth His power and relieved the wretchedness of this one particular sufferer, and for some reason known only to Himself, He declined to do the same for the others.
- AW Pink
Just because grace is unmerited favour, it must be exercised in a sovereign manner.
- AW Pink
Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control; these three alone lead life to sovereign power.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
In order for a war to be just, three things are necessary. First, the authority of the sovereign. Secondly, a just cause. Thirdly, a rightful intention.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Whatever greatness there is in him (and it is there), whatever constructive influence he has exerted on the Christian church (and it has been incalculable), he himself would attribute to the sovereign grace of God working through yet another "clay jar" (2 Cor. 4:7).
- Sam Storms
The supreme and absolute Former of all things giveth not an account of any of His matters.
- Samuel Rutherford
The government is everywhere sovereign in the state, and the constitution is in fact the government.
- Aristotle
Christians belive in a sovereign God who never says "Oops". We believe that all our days ... are divine strokes on the canvas of our lives by the Master Artist who certified his skill, his power, and his love in the Masterpiece of Calvary. If you doubt His skill in painting your life - look at the Calvary
- John Piper
The one God has chosen unconditionally he keeps invincibly. Being and staying a believer is decisively of sovereign grace.
- John Piper
So saving grace, converting grace, for Augustine, is God's giving us a sovereign joy in God that triumphs over all other joys and therefore sways the will. The will is free to move toward whatever it delights in most fully, but it is not within the power of our will to determine what that sovereign joy will be.
- John Piper