Quotes about Secrets
Finite intelligence needs many words in order to express ideas; but God speaks once and for all within Himself—one single Word which reaches the abyss of all things that are known and can be known. In that Word of God are hidden all the treasures of wisdom, all the secrets of sciences, all the designs of the arts, all the knowledge of mankind. But this knowledge, compared to the Word, is only the feeblest broken syllable.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
The only secrets are the secrets that keep themselves.
- George Bernard Shaw
Stick a shovel in the ground almost anywhere and some horrible thing or other will come to light.
- Margaret Atwood
Aunt Vidala said that best friends led to whispering and plotting and keeping secrets, and plotting and secrets led to disobedience to God, and disobedience led to rebellion, and girls who were rebellious became women who were rebellious, and a rebellious woman was even worse than a rebellious man because rebellious men became traitors, but rebellious women became adulteresses.
- Margaret Atwood
the gods often mumble
- Margaret Atwood
What you don't know won't hurt you.
- Margaret Atwood
Who can fathom the secrets of the human soul?" I said. "None of us is exempt from sin.
- Margaret Atwood
I stand there on the top step, frozen with hate. What I hate is not Grace or even Cordelia. I can't go as far as that. I hate Mrs. Smeath, because what I thought was a secret, something going on among girls, among children, is not one. It has been discussed before, and tolerated. Mrs. Smeath has known and approved. She has done nothing to stop it. She thinks it serves me right.
- Margaret Atwood
But what if she discovers the truth? What he suspects is the truth. That he's patchwork, a tin man, his heart stuffed with sawdust. He thinks of her waiting for him, somewhere else, an island, subtropical, not muggy, her long hair waving in the sea breeze, a red hibiscus tucked behind one ear. If he's lucky she'll wait till that happens, till he can get there to be with her.
- Margaret Atwood
He's a bootlegger....One time he killed a man who found out that he was nephew to Von Hindenburg and second cousin to the devil.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
But it's the same with all my friends, just fun and joking, nothing more. I can never bring myself to talk of anything outside the common round.
- Anne Frank
They mustn't know my despair, I can't let them see the wounds which they have caused.
- Anne Frank