Quotes about Army
the divine solution to the gross malady of darkness is an army of brilliant light. Like dawn spreading across the mountains a large and mighty army comes, such as never was of old nor ever will be in ages to come. . . . The LORD thunders at the head of his army; his forces are beyond number, and mighty are those who obey his command. Joel 2:2, 11 NIV
- Lou Engle
A truly successful army is one that, because of its strength and ability and dedication, will not be called upon to fight, for no one will dare to provoke it.
- Ronald Reagan
I saw a film today, oh boy.The English army had just won the war.A crowd of people turned away.But I just had to look,Having read the book.I'd love to turn you on.
- Anonymous
Membership in a conspiracy, as in an army, frees people from the sense of personal responsibility.
- Frank Herbert
Our last Army posting was in Salt Lake City, and I went to the library there and checked out every book on retailing. I also spent a lot of my off-duty time studying ZCMI, the Mormon Church's department store out there, just figuring that when I got back to civilian life I would somehow go into the department store business
- Sam Walton
Schemes to subvert the liberties of a great community, require time to mature them for execution. An army, so large as seriously to menace those liberties, could only be formed by progressive augmentations; which would suppose, not merely a temporary combination between the legislature and executive, but a continued conspiracy for a series of time.
- Alexander Hamilton
Let's face it - selling weapons systems to the Army isn't women's work.
- Judith Love Cohen
In reference to the Army and Navy, lately employed with so much distinction on active service, care shall be taken to insure the highest condition of efficiency; and in furtherance of that object, the Military and Naval Schools, sustained by the liberality of Congress, shall receive the special attention of the Executive.
- Zachary Taylor
Moses was the greatest legislator and the commander in chief of perhaps the first liberation army.
- Elie Wiesel
Men, he began his address to the officers, measuring his pauses carefully. You're American officers. The officers of no other army in the world can make that statement. Think about it.
- Joseph Heller
truth" as an "army of metaphors." By that he meant that truth is not a given, but it is an elusive, contested act of interpretation that emerges and makes claims through many twists and turns.
- Walter Brueggemann
Nothing can be more hurtful to the service, than the neglect of discipline; for that discipline, more than numbers, gives one army the superiority over another.
- George Washington