Quotes about Satan
Satan's primary temptation strategy is to try and make us forget what God has said about us and to evaluate our standing before God by some other criteria.
- JD Greear
Satan's most effective weapon is to take our eyes off of what God has declared over us in the gospel.
- JD Greear
When we resist God, we draw near to Satan.
- Beth Moore
Satan is willing to have us worship anything, however sacred - the Bible, the crucifix, the church - if only we do not worship God Himself.
- DL Moody
Homosexuality is Satan's diabolical attack upon the family that will not only have a corrupting influence upon our next generation, but it will also bring down the wrath of God upon America.
- Jerry Falwell
Satan can do only what the sovereign God allows him to do.
- RC Sproul
Satan can imitate God, but he cannot duplicate Him - God is the only One who can deliver us from our pain and suffering.
- David Jeremiah
Whatever and whenever God blesses, Satan curses. What God creates, Satan counterfeits.
- Sam Storms
We cannot believe that the church of God is already possessed of all that light which God intends to give it; nor that all Satan's lurking places have already been found out.
- Jonathan Edwards
Everything that happens to a child of God, His father filtered and He intends to use it for the good and even when Satan and others mean it for bad because God is sovereignly in control.
- Rick Warren
We live charmed lives if we are living in the center of God's will. All the attacks that Satan can hurl against us are not only powerless to harm us, but are turned into blessing on the way.
- Charles Spurgeon
It may be that Satan has little cause to fear most preaching. Yet past experiences sting him to rally all his infernal army to fight against God's people praying.
- Leonard Ravenhill