Quotes about Vocation
I've always wondered, am I a writer who preaches or a preacher who writes? I don't know. I love them both.
- John Piper
When God gives an assignment, he also gives the skill. Study your skills, then, to reveal your assignment.
- Max Lucado
Find something you like to do, and do it so well that people pay you to do it.
- Max Lucado
a promotion is not a move up the ladder; it is a move toward your call. Don't let someone "promote" you out of your call. Look for ways to align your job with your skills. This
- Max Lucado
make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that" (Gal. 6: 4 MSG).
- Max Lucado
Seriously evaluating my gifts and talents—an important step when choosing a career.
- Ben Carson
In my view, the amateur does not love the game enough. If he did, he would not pursue it as a sideline, distinct from his "real" vocation.
- Steven Pressfield
You become an artist once you start saying that you are an artist.
- Steven Pressfield
Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it. If we were born to paint, it's our job to become a painter. If
- Steven Pressfield
The spiritual life is not a special career, involving abstraction from the world of things. It is a part of every man's life; and until he has realized it he is not a complete human being, has not entered into possession of all his powers.
- Evelyn Underhill
If some of those who listen to our sermons reject the message, that is not our worry - as long as it is truly the kerygma that we preach, and not some feeble imitation of it. Rejection is built into the vocation of the preacher. But hear this: The incarnate Word of God is a mighty sword put into your hand. Those who hear it will feel their chains cut off, their prison unlocked, their lungs filled with oxygen:
- Fleming Rutledge
Peacemaking is a noble vocation . . . To be a peacemaker, you must know the Peace-Giver.
- Billy Graham