Quotes about Vocation
Here is another indication, then, that divine election is to service and not eternal life.
- Tony Evans
A woman's mission centered on home and family — vital spheres of ministry to be sure, but only a slice of the vast mission God originally cast by calling women to rule and subdue the earth.
- Carolyn Custis James
The Christian ministry is the worst of all trades, but the best of all professions.
- John Newton
A man knows when he has found his vocation when he stops thinking about how to live and begins to live.
- Thomas Merton
A career public speaker is not what I'm called to be. I'm called to be a critic.
- Tony Campolo
Each woman who lives in the light of eternity can fulfill her vocation, no matter if it is in marriage, in a religious order, or in a worldly profession.
- Edith Stein
No one could have told: all that was known was, that when he returned from Italy he was a priest.
- Victor Hugo
If we have been given the vocation and grace to die with Christ then the everyday and banal occurrence which we call human death has been elevated to a place among God's mysteries.
- Karl Rahner
You are imitating Jesus Christ and taking on the nature of a servant, which is your calling as a Christian.
- Gary Thomas
Christians need jobs just like anybody else, but the years you spend as an undergraduate are like everything else in your life. They're not yours to do with as you please. They're Christ's.
- Stanley Hauerwas
Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself, 'What makes me come alive?' Because what the world - a wife, a child - needs is men who have come alive.
- John Eldredge
I feel in me the vocation of the Priest. I have the vocation of the Apostle. Martyrdom was the dream of my youth, and this dream has grown with me. Considering the mystical body of the Church, I desired to see myself in them all.
- St. Therese of Lisieux