Quotes about Status
It's essentially cleaner to be corrupt and rich than it is to be innocent and poor.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
No one is so miserable as the poor person who maintains the appearance of wealth.
- Charles Spurgeon
From natural selection's point of view, status assistance is the main purpose of friendship.
- Robert Wright
If one function of low self-esteem is to keep high-status people satisfied with your deference, then its level, strictly speaking, should depend on how much deference it takes to do that; you may, in the presence of someone powerful, feel a deeper humility—about your intelligence, for example—than an objective observer would see as warranted.
- Robert Wright
A married daughter with children puts you in danger of being catalogued as a first edition.
- Anonymous
The sport of choice for the urban poor is basketball. The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is bowling. The sport of choice for front-line workers is football. The sport of choice for supervisors is baseball. The sport of choice for middle management is tennis. The sport of choice for corporate officers is golf. Conclusion: The higher you are in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls become.
- Anonymous
It is another kind of marriage—the marriage of privilege and duty. It is the aristocrat's explanation and his excuse.
- Frank Herbert
Understand yourself, Piter. You want her because she was a Duke's woman, a symbol of his power—beautiful, useful, exquisitely trained for her role.
- Frank Herbert
Measure your success by the number of people who envy you.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
The poor man yields to the rich, the plebeian to the noble, the servant to the master, the unlearned to the learned, and yet every one inwardly cherishes some idea of his own superiority.
- John Calvin
In the United States, I am a great success, but I am not a celebrity.
- Paulo Coelho
The cross of the Legion of Honor has been conferred on me. However, few escape that distinction.
- John Lennon