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Quotes about Spirit of God

Today I will not be tempted to wander the byroads of pain, but rather I will set my feet upon the path of joy and peace. May the spirit of God protect my mind from any forces of fear that would divert my thinking.
- Marianne Williamson
When the Spirit of God is grieved away, every appeal made through the Lord's servants is meaningless to them.
- Ellen White
If the evidence of the gospel depended only on history, and such reasonings as learned men only are capable of, it would be above the reach of far the greatest part of mankind. But persons with but an ordinary degree of knowledge are capable, without a long and subtile train of reasoning, to see the divine excellency of the things of religion: they are capable of being taught by the Spirit of God, as well as learned men.
- Jonathan Edwards
when I read Romans 8:14. It says, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." In Greek, the sentence structure is reversed so that it reads, "For as many as by the Spirit are being led, they are the sons of God." This version puts the Holy Spirit at the first of the verse, and we are placed behind Him — just as children stay behind the leader as they play "Follow the Leader"!
- Rick Renner
In this passage, Jesus stated very clearly that Satan has a kingdom, and that it is not divided. Then He went on to speak about the kingdom of God: And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. (Matthew 12:27—28)
- Derek Prince
You might as well try to hear without ears or breathe without lungs, as to try to live a Christian life without the Spirit of God in your heart.
- DL Moody
This is the rhetoric of the Spirit of God' he said, 'to extenuate evil things, and to amplify good things: if a cross comes to make the cross but little, but if there is a mercy to make the mercy great.
- Jeremiah Burroughs
Living for Christ is a day-to-day going on with Him. It is a continuous dependence upon the Spirit of God. It is believing in His faithfulness.
- Billy Graham
It is a thoroughly anti-Christian doctrine that the Spirit of God, and therefore the life and governing power of the Church, resides in the ministry, to the exclusion of the people.
- Charles Hodge
As a human being, the way Jesus responded to God in faithful obedience and gave his life in service to other humans-is the pattern for all authentic humanity renewed by the Spirit of God.
- Luke Timothy Johnson
If we want that power to quicken our friends who are dead in sin, we must look to God, and not be looking to man to do it. If we look alone to ministers, if we look alone to Christ's disciples to do this work, we shall be disappointed. If we look to the Spirit of God and expect it to come from Him and Him alone, then we shall honor the Spirit, and the Spirit will do
- Jim Cymbala
The Spirit of God is love, and "the fruit of the Spirit is love.
- Andrew Murray