Quotes about Development
The time is a critical one, for it marks the beginning of the second half of life, when a metanoia, a mental transformation, not infrequently occurs. (on being 36 yrs old)
- Carl Jung
I think of a child's mind as a blank book. During the first years of his life, much will be written on the pages. The quality of that writing will affect his life profoundly.
- Walt Disney
We can help others in the world more by making the most of yourself than in any other way.
- Earl Nightingale
The only person who succeeds is the person who is progressively realizing a worthy ideal. It's the person who says, "I'm going to become this and then progressively works toward that goal.
- Earl Nightingale
This leads us to an important spiritual principle for growth: comeback leaders know that our Lord considers commitment to Him and His desires an indispensable ingredient to growing spiritually and numerically.
- Ed Stetzer
Just as the true fruit of an apple tree is not an apple, but another tree; the true fruit of a small group is not a new Christian, but another group; the true fruit of a church is not a new group, but a new church; the true fruit of a leader is not a follower, but a new leader; the true fruit of an evangelist is not a convert, but new evangelists. Whenever this principle is understood and applied, the results are dramatic.
- Ed Stetzer
If you *stop* putting off homemaking until your hope of marriage develops into a reality, and *start* to develop an interesting home right now, it seems to me two things will happen: first, you will develop into the person you could be as you surround yourself with things that express your own tastes and ideas; and second, as you relax and become interested in areas of creativity, you will develop into a more interesting person to be with.
- Edith Schaeffer
Whether in music, or other things, one never knows what surprisingly satisfying things God has in His plan for the developed talent with is literally 'given' to Him to use or to lay aside.
- Edith Schaeffer
Ideas carried out stimulate more ideas.
- Edith Schaeffer
Even if you can not sculpt great foundations, because you have not got that sort of talent, at least carve a child's toy... Start SOMEWHERE. Do not let this desire be simply a frustration that turns into bitterness when it could grow and develop, given some small outlet..
- Edith Schaeffer
The march of the human mind is slow.
- Edmund Burke
Instead of being born again, why not just grow up?
- Anonymous