Quotes about Development
Leadership is not always about getting things done "right." Leadership is about getting things done through other people…When a leader can't find someone to hand things off to, it is time for him to look in the mirror. We must never forget that the people who follow us are exactly where we have led them.
- Andy Stanley
We have a tendency to measure ourselves against the people around us. They become our point of reference. A good coach will evaluate your performance against your potential. …if we are wise enough to listen, they will help us go further, faster.
- Andy Stanley
But, then, that's the point. In leadership, success is succession.
- Andy Stanley
Initially, your vision will exceed your competency.
- Andy Stanley
Vision always precedes preparation. Initially, your vision will exceed your competency.
- Andy Stanley
As you develop your list, a little voice inside you will whisper, "It will take more than courage to pursue these ideas; it will take capital." At that point you may be tempted to put down your pen and retreat to the safety and comfort of how things have always been done. But before you retreat to your tent, let me remind you of two things: Capital follows courage, and what always precedes how.
- Andy Stanley
You may be good. You may even be better than everyone esle. But without a coach you will never be as good as you could be.
- Andy Stanley
If God has birthed a vision in you, he is in the process of developing a similar vision in the hearts of others around you.
- Andy Stanley
If virtue promises happiness, prosperity and peace, then progress in virtue is progress in each of these for to whatever point the perfection of anything brings us, progress is always an approach toward it.
- Epictetus
The Green Revolution focused on the big three - maize, rice and wheat - and the Green Revolution did not adapt the big three to African conditions, other than South Africa, as much as they should have.
- Bill Gates
A church is an incubator, a nursery, a grade school. You start where people are and move them to where they need to be.
- Adrian Rogers
Everyone needs a coach. It doesn't matter whether you're a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player.
- Bill Gates