Quotes about Servant
The devil never rejoices more," said Francis of Assisi, "than when he robs a servant of God of his peace of heart." Peace and joy go a-begging when the heart of a Christian pants for one sign after another of God's merciful love.
- Brennan Manning
To the servant of God... every place is the right place, and every time is the right time.
- Catherine of Siena
Till that it pleased God of his great mercy, in the year of God 1527, to raise up his servand, Maister Patrik Hammyltoun, at whome our Hystorie doith begyn.
- John Knox
In the first of these senses, neither Christ nor the Christian is supposed to be the world's servant. Jesus is obedient, not to the world but to the Father. He is the servant of God, not of men, and we too are called to be servants of God.
- Avery Dulles
The government is merely a servant?merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn't. Its function is to obey orders, not originate them.
- Mark Twain
Servant of God, well done, well hast thou fought the better fight, who single hast maintained against revolted multitudes the cause of truth, in word mightier than they in arms.
- John Milton
Pragmatism and subjectivism obscure the reality of the truth. They engage the mind, but they make it the servant of our desires and our work. But they can't answer which desires I should pursue and which work is worthwhile.
- John Piper
Headship is the divine calling of a husband to take primary responsibility for Christ-like, servant leadership, protection, and provision in the home.
- John Piper
the path of obedience is the place where Christ meets us as our servant to carry our burdens and give us his power.
- John Piper
By the law of Christ, every man is bound to love his neighbour as himself; but every servant is a neighbour of every civil lord; therefore every civil lord must love any of his servants as himself; but by natural instinct, every lord abhors slavery; therefore, by the law of charity, he is bound not to impose slavery on any brother in Christ.
- John Wycliffe
The early Christians kept calling themselves a doulos in their letters to churches. They proudly bore the title of bond servant. They embraced the identity of a servant, and their identity impacted how they lived. Are you proud to be a bond servant of Christ? Or do you prefer another title? The reality: You are a servant.
- Eric Geiger
A state which which includes within itself a terrorized Church has lost its most faithful servant.
- Eric Metaxas